Open Society Georgia Foundation has spent up to $1.5 million to mitigate the COVID-19 impact in Georgia

3 Dec, 2020

In support of unsupported

From March to October 2020, the Open Society Georgia Foundation provided special funding of up to $ 1.5 million to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection and mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the most vulnerable citizens.

Support for dealing with the COVID-19 consequences covered several areas, including the protection of citizens’ labor rights, direct aid for economically most vulnerable, capacity building of the healthcare institutions and medical staff, raising awareness of ethnic minorities, people with disabilities and the regional population, free legal and psychological services for citizens, support to students in the online learning process through granting online access and hardware.

Series of trainings was provided to 822 doctors from 60 hospitals and guidelines were developed, free legal aid services were set up for the citizens that are disadvantaged, left without income and those with loan payment liabilities, a psychological hotline, and remote counseling services were set up, and thousands of people in extreme need of social assistance received vital direct social assistance.

The funding allocated by the Open Society Georgia Foundation during this period supplements the budget allocated under the Foundation strategy and is specifically intended to deal with COVID-19 consequences. Given the Foundation’s strategy and approach, the main focus was on the most vulnerable citizens and the institutions left beyond respective attention.

This brochure describes the activities carried out during the pandemic period, from March to October, inclusive.