Flawed Reforms of the Georgian Judiciary and the Need for Systemic Changes

2 Dec, 2022
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Over the last decade, the Georgian judiciary has experienced several waves of reforms. Regardless of these efforts, judicial institutions are still subject to internal and external influences. A lack of transparency and accountability creates risks for individual judges’ independence and undermines the system of real self-governance. This does not
mean, however, that the reforms carried out during this period were in vain and had zero effect. Legislative changes have had some positive effects, though the changes were not systemic in nature and lacked an understanding of the specific context within the court. Fundamental problems in the courts, such as internal corporatism, threats of
external influence, and politicization, remain unresolved. No wave of reform was directed at their solution and specific steps to tackle these challenges are still needed. Namely, future reform strategies should focus on reforming the High Council of Justice in a comprehensive manner and diffusing its power, strengthening individual judges, and
increasing judicial accountability.

Ana Papuashvili – On behalf of the Social Justice Center